Manuel Guilbault's Blog

Aurelia - feedback from the trenches

I’ve been using Aurelia to write multiple applications of various size for more than a year now, and I thought it might be interesting for some people to get some real-life feedback.

All in all, the framework is awesome. Aurelia’s developer experience is much better than that of other frameworks I’ve worked with (*cough* Angular *cough*). It’s flexible, extensible, and very little intrusive. You don’t have to fight it to do things the right way, whatever that right way might be.

However, entropy is constantly at work, and things can quickly become messy if you don’t pay attention. Here are a few things I’ve learnt along the way.

Type everything

If you don’t use TypeScript yet, you really should. Its type system adds tremedous value when compared to plain JS.


First, it serves as API documentation for the developers working on your code base. Let’s imagine the following JS code snippet:

export class User {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

function getFullName(user) {
  return `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;

Check the getFullName function. What is the expected type of this user parameter? Is it an object or something else? What are its properties and methods? Here, we can probably guess that it is a User instance. However, if the class and the function live in distinct files or directories, good luck with that.

Exploring such a JS code base can be a nightmare, as you would need to search for calls to getFullName to try to figure out what parameters are passed to it. The type system makes understanding existing code much easier:

function getFullName(user: User) {
  return `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;

It is now pretty clear that the user argument is an instance of the User class. Additionally, most modern IDEs will let you to navigate to the definition of User in a single click.

The type system also prevents a whole class of bugs, where some part of the code uses something - a variable, method, function, or parameter - the wrong way - call an undefined method, or assign a value to an unexisting property, for example. In plain JS, such bugs must be covered by unit tests. In TypeScript, the transpiler will complain about such a misuse if things are properly typed. The type system can completely replace a whole category of unit tests.

Let’s imagine the following code:

export class User {
  constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) {}

function getFullName(user: User) {
  return `${user.firstname} ${user.lastname}`;

This code has a bug. The getFullName function contains typos: it uses the firstname and lastname properties, while the User class defines those properties using a capital N: firstName and lastName.

Here, the error is easy to spot, as the class definition and the function sit side by side. However, if they live in distinct files, such a bug can be hard to spot without either a unit test or the TypeScript transpiler. Relying on the type system for such things is much simpler and quicker than writing unit tests.

Everything, really?

Yes. Everything. For example:

By typing everything, you eliminate a whole category of bugs. Additionally, you add documentation for other developers and your future self. Lastly, you give more informations to your tools (auto-completers, linters, bundlers, etc.) so they can do a better job assisting you.

Those advantages largely outweight the additional cost of properly typing things, trust me. Or don’t, and try it for yourself. You’ll see.

Small apps over big apps

Whenever possible, it’s better to write multiple small applications over writing one huge application. A small code base is more manageable than a large one, and it’s easier to have multiple small teams maintaining multiple small applications than one huge team working on a single huge code base. Small applications can be released independently and at different paces, while releasing huge apps require much more planification and coordination between team members, and such a process is most of the time rigid and not agile at all.

I didn’t invent anything here; microservices have been around long enough now, and they are based on the same principles.

Bundle intelligently

If you can’t keep your application small as suggested before, at least use bundles intelligently so your application loads faster.

For example, if your application’s users are segregated in roles, you can group features in role-based bundles. This way, a given user would load only the bundle(s) he needs to do his job based on its role(s).

If you won’t reap the benefits of small code bases - faster and independent release cycles, smaller teams, reduced code complexity - at least you won’t hurt too much your users’ experience by forcing them to load a 10 MB bundle when all they need really is 10% of it.

Organize by features

Aurelia features are extremely useful to organize your code.

For example, I often have a validation feature in my Aurelia applications. This feature handles some simple tasks related to form validation:

Features can also be used to group components, models, and services related to specific domains.

A chapter of my book is dedicated to this subject.


A route component fetching data from an HTTP endpoint and rendering a complex view all by itself will likely be hard to maintain, as it has too many responsibilities. It also makes it hard - or even impossible - to reuse parts of its behavior or UI elements.

Components should be loosely coupled and highly cohesive. They should be small and solve a well-defined problem. Larger components should be composed of smaller ones, and their task should be to configure and coordinate interactions between their constituents.

A lot of Aurelia’s features can be of great help in decomposing components and making them flexible enough to be used in larger components: one-way and two-way data-binding, event aggregation, content projection, and template injection, are the cornerstones of well-taylored and highly configurable components. Make sure you master each of those techniques well enough, so you can make enlightened design decisions and use Aurelia to its full potential.

Separate UI & domain concerns

Similarly, keeping UI and domain artifacts separated in your code base will make it easier to maintain.

By UI artifact, I mean:

By Domain artifact, I mean:

For example, a route component should be built by composing UI and domain artifacts together. If it fetches its own data from an HTTP endpoint, defines its own view model for this data and has a complex template to present it to the user, it will likely be hard to maintain and its constituents impossible to reuse. Additionally, domain intelligence will be lost in UI concerns.

However, if you design distinct domain models and services, isolated from UI components, then aggregate them all in a route component, this route component will be smaller because it will simply coordinate interactions between its domain and UI constituents. Plus, your code will likely be saner and easier to understand.

Again, it didn’t invent anything here. This idea comes from both Domain-Driven Design and Hexagonal architecture, and has been around for years. Even though people apply this to back-end design most of the time, front-end application design can also greatly benefit from those principles.

Have fun!

I had a lot of fun in the last year working with Aurelia. I hope you do too!

Don’t hesitate to let me know about your own experience with Aurelia. Just leave a comment! ☺

#Aurelia #JS #Web


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