In this serie:
In the previous posts of this serie, we saw a very unexpensive solution to host an Aurelia app on Azure. We also saw how to automate the deployment process of an Aurelia app on Azure using Visual Studio Team Services.
However, the current state of the solution doesn’t support deep linking if the app uses the router in push state mode. In this post, we’ll see how to fix this.
You can get the sample Aurelia app I used for this post here.
Imagine an Aurelia app that uses the router in push state mode. Imagine this app is deployed on
. Imagine that a user accesses the app and, through the navigation menu,
navigates to
and bookmarks this URL.
What normally happens when he comes back to this bookmarked URL later?
.200 OK
response with the content of /index.html
instead of a 404 Not Found
, the Aurelia app starts./some-feature
in the user’s browser, the Aurelia router
loads the component linked to this path. Everything works as expected.At the moment, our solution doesn’t perform step 4 properly. If the proxy app receives a GET request
for a path not matching a file in the Storage container, it just returns a 404 Not Found
How can we fix that?
At the moment of writing, the Azure Functions proxies don’t support this type of fallback mechanism.
The only solution is to remove the proxies.json
file and to create a full-fledged Azure Function
that will act as a proxy and that will implement the fallback mechanism.
First, delete the azure/functions-app/proxies.json
Then, in your Aurelia app root directory, adjust the file structure to match the following:
└── functions-app
├── proxy
│ ├── function.json
│ └── index.js
└── host.json
Next, put the following snippet in azure/functions-app/proxy/function.json
"bindings": [
"name": "request",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"methods": [ "get" ],
"route": "{*path}"
"name": "$return",
"type": "http",
"direction": "out"
This file states that the function will be triggered when the Functions app receives a GET request to
any path. The function will receive the HTTP request as its request
parameter, and will have the
request path available as the path
context variable.
In azure/functions-app/proxy/index.js
, put the following code:
const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');
const { parse: parseUrl, format: formatUrl } = require('url');
module.exports = function(context, request) {
const pathname = context.bindingData.path || '';
const backendUrl = getBackendUrl(pathname);
sendGetRequest(backendUrl, (error, response) => {
if (error) {
context.log.error(`Request to ${backendUrl} failed: ${error}`);
context.done(null, { status: 500, body: '500 Internal Server Error' });
} else if (response.status === 404) {
const indexUrl = getBackendUrl('index.html');
sendGetRequest(indexUrl, (error, response) => {
if (error) {
context.log.error(`Request to ${indexUrl} failed: ${error}`);
context.done(null, { status: 500, body: '500 Internal Server Error' });
} else {`Request to ${indexUrl} returned ${response.statusCode}`);
context.done(null, response);
} else {
context.done(null, response);
function getBackendUrl(pathname) {
const storageHostAndPath = process.env['Storage.HostAndContainer'];
const sasToken = process.env['Storage.SasToken'];
if (pathname === '') {
pathname = 'index.html';
const hostAndPath = path.posix.join(storageHostAndPath, pathname);
const rawUrl = `http://${hostAndPath}${sasToken}`;
return parseUrl(rawUrl);
function sendGetRequest(uri, callback) {
const options = {
protocol: uri.protocol,
hostname: uri.hostname,
port: uri.port,
path: uri.path,
const request = http.get(options, (response) => { toAzureFunctionsResponse(response, callback); });
request.on('error', (e) => { callback(e, null); });
function toAzureFunctionsResponse(response, callback) {
const azureFunctionsResponse = {
status: response.statusCode,
headers: response.headers,
body: ''
response.on('error', (error) => { callback(error, null); });
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
azureFunctionsResponse.body += chunk;
response.on('end', () => {
callback(null, azureFunctionsResponse);
This file exports a function which will be executed by the Azure Functions runtime based on the triggers
it is bound to in the function.json
file. It first retrieves the request path
from its execution context,
and computes the URL to the Storage container for this path using the Storage.HostAndContainer
app settings. It then forwards the request to this URL. If the path is found on the
Storage container, the response is piped back to the client. If the Storage container returns a 404 Not Found
the function then falls back to /index.html
Lastly, we need to change the azure/functions-app/host.json
file. By default, Azure Functions HTTP triggers
will match only routes with the /api
prefix. We just need to remove this default prefix:
"http": {
"routePrefix": ""
You can now redeploy this app (this should be easy if you followed my previous post). If you give it a try, deep linking should now work properly.
Solving the deep linking problem was not that complicated. However, it would be pretty neat if the Azure Functions proxies supported this kind of feature (there’s already a feature request for this). In the meantime, this work around is an okay enough solution.
In my next post, we’ll see how to add a custom domain to our app. We’ll also see how to integrate the Let’s Encrypt Azure site extension with our Azure Functions app, so we can enable HTTPS by generating an SSL certificate for free using Let’s Encrypt.
Written on December 7th, 2017 by Manuel Guilbault
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